- <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 新婚丈夫在加勒比海度假时失踪,当地警察欲盖弥彰。有形无形间,都在阻挠新娘寻找她的爱人。一个人<br/>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 怎样,她决心探寻真相...血肉横飞间,一场动作大戏火爆上演</p>
- yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>一场没有人道底线的医疗试验,一群没有未来的死刑囚犯,这一切都在渺无人烟的北大西洋孤岛监狱中发生。当权力吞噬了人性,这场神秘试验失去控制,人类创造了令自己都不敢想像的病毒。整个岛屿瞬间成为一座可怕、充斥着感染者的绝望炼狱,到底谁还能活到最后?
- yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> On a weekend getaway at a rundown cabin in the woods, Jason, a cautious teen, his crude best friend Colin and his fearless older sister Summer are forced to work together, grow up and save their hard partying…