搜索 Agustí

  • TRANSMITZVAH is a love story between siblings. They exhibit their wounds, exchange the pieces of each other’s puzzle, and complete (or start) the process of reaffirming their own identity. Rubén –the Singmans’ youngest son– challenges trad…
  • 本片讲述了三个以字母为代号的男人的神秘冒险经历,时长245分钟,共分为18章节,以魔幻现实的手法表现出阿根廷近代历史文化的变迁,叙事方法新颖独特,长镜头摄影精湛,尽管并不属于大制作,而是小成本的独立电影,但最后的结局却给人以强烈而深刻的印象,是近些年来难得一见的阿根廷实验电影杰作。(08维也纳国际电影节)  In this adv…
  •   A group of friends must confront their fears in a terrifying game.
  • Since ancient times, a tribe on the African continent has been prophesying that a white boy will arrive to be their god the Son of the Moon. David, a 12-year-old orphan who lives in Europe, learns about the prophecy and believes that he is the chosen child and that destiny must be fulfilled at any cost. Before David ca…
  • 在经历过创伤后,Inés患上了睡眠障碍,并被恶梦缠身。梦寐以求的人物想占有她的身体吗? Natalia meta制作的高度原创的心理性惊悚片。
  • 最著名的电视新闻节目“午夜60分钟”的最后一次播出,今晚的主角是艾德里安·马卡托,他可能会揭露一个将政府与某个邪教联系起来的阴谋。。。
  •   塞尔吉奥·加杜,一位智利小镇足球俱乐部微不足道的总监,意外被当选为智利足协主席。他醉心于权力,成了足球教父胡里奥·格隆多纳的心腹,同时还作为联邦调查局侦破世界足坛最大腐败案的关键人物,将南美所有足球联盟的主席都关进了监牢。
  •   墨西哥城高檔酒店內,年輕女傭自有心事。日復一日的漫長工作,總有打掃不盡的房間。她長途跋涉上班,無法照料年幼兒子,卻要幫客人看顧小孩。參加進修班,望能晉升到尊貴樓層。偶然拾獲紅裙,盼失物無人認領可據為己有。抹窗工人隔窗傳情,她其實更需要找到女性自我的聲音。來自劇場的阿維萊絲首拍長片即備受注目,以紀實眼光看打工女的生活…
  •   After his first love breaks his heart, a young American singer reluctantly leaves his home in San Diego, California and embarks on an epic road trip through Baja with his uncle in order to reconnect with his Mexican roots and find himsel…
  • Three friends decide to play The Red Book game. What they don't know is that in the house, evil is waiting to be released. There a witch died as part of a satanic ritual. Every question they ask, they get closer and closer to her.