- Yura, working at a local nature museum, looking for a rare species, witnesses an arson in the forest. He brings the photos to a local newspaper, and gets a job there. With his new profession it dawns to him that the reality around him is a far cry from what is written in the newspaper.
- 井之头五郎(松重丰 饰)受横滨某电影院馆长的委托,将“某个电影的胶卷”送到八王子那里。本应作为年末的工作缴纳而接受的,但是所到之处都有意料之外的请求。无法拒绝的五郎被卷入意想不到的事态,被迫前往长野。五郎和爱车的小伙伴向北出发,但是年末的休假被取消,长途驾驶总之肚子饿了… 那样的五郎在目的地遇到的极致的美食是?然后,五郎…