- A car, following the Tour de France. Children screaming in front of the puppet show. Women, often prostitutes, trying to scream as they are being strangled. Then he will meet Claire, the virgin who will give herself to him, and perhaps deliver him from his malediction. Written by Gregoire Dubost {gregoire.dubost@polyte…
- 《奥迈耶的痴梦》改编自约瑟夫·康拉德1895年发表的处女作小说,影片在马来西亚取景拍摄,被《电影手册》评为2011年法国今年最受期待的新片之一。该片讲述了一位荷兰富商在马来西亚寻找黄金的故事。
- From the Louvre to Buckingham Palace, to the gutters of Paris to the siege of La Rochelle… In a kingdom divided by religious wars and under threat of British invasion, a handful of men and women will cross swords and tie their fate to that…
- <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>马修(皮埃尔·尼内 Pierre Niney 饰)渴望成为一名作家,可事与愿违,已经二十五岁的他并未在写作上展现出什么耀眼的才华获得过什么成功,这个梦想随着时间的推移离他越来越遥远起来。如今,他只能靠在搬家公司工作的所得来勉强糊口。<br/>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, …