搜索 马修·海涅曼

  •   A documentary following nurses, doctors, and administrators as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  •   聚焦泰格伍兹的“崛起,坠落,回归”。记录伍兹从学会走路时就开始打高尔夫、成名后获得的巨大的关注及被期待成为“各种族桥梁”的压力、轰动一时的性丑闻和涉嫌醉驾被捕等麻烦,和“戒断、恢复健康”后的回归。
  • <p>  杰米·多南加盟裴淳华、塔伦·艾格顿主演传记新片《私人战争》,马修·海涅曼(《贩毒之地》《幽灵城》)执导,阿拉什·阿梅尔(《摩纳哥王妃》)操刀剧本,将基于《名利场》撰写的科尔文生平事迹文章进行创作,查理兹·塞隆担任制片人。裴淳华饰演战地女记者玛丽·科尔文,艾格顿饰演一名有军事背景的记者,跟随科尔文前往战区报道。…
  •   在这个经典的21世纪西方电影里,两国交界边境的治安警察与恶毒的墨西哥贩毒集团斗智斗勇。这部以人物为主导的电影以前所未有的方式引发了人们对目无法纪,法律秩序的崩溃以及是否应该以暴制暴这些问题的深度思考。
  •   Tells the story of the last months of the 20-year war in Afghanistan through the intimate relationship between American Green Berets and the Afghan officers they trained.
  • Batiste also took a spin in the spotlight to announce his collaboration with Heineman on American Symphony, a feature documentary about his path to creating the stage show of the same name that debuted at Carnegie Hall last fall. The film is said to be an intimate look at his creative process and an unprecedented look …
  • 杰米·多南加盟裴淳华、塔伦·艾格顿主演传记新片《私人战争》,马修·海涅曼(《贩毒之地》《幽灵城》)执导,阿拉什·阿梅尔(《摩纳哥王妃》)操刀剧本,将基于《名利场》撰写的科尔文生平事迹文章进行创作,查理兹·塞隆担任制片人。裴淳华饰演战地女记者玛丽·科尔文,艾格顿饰演一名有军事背景的记者,跟随科尔文前往战区报道。11月开拍。  …