- 在关键的三年里,拳王阿里与马尔科姆·X 结下了兄弟情谊,这不仅改变了两人,也改变了世界。《结拜兄弟:拳王阿里与马尔科姆·X》讲述了 20 世纪两位标志性人物从结缘到最终决裂的往事。很少有人能理解两人之间的这份情谊。在这部由制片人肯尼亚·巴里斯打造的全新长篇纪录片中,导演马库斯·A·克拉克提供了一个新鲜视角,通过知情人士的采访和…
- Kala azar describes of a place that cannot sustain animal life any longer. In a big city somewhere in the south of Europe, a couple takes care of dead animals and abandoned roadkill as an act to give meaning to their life. Kala azar is a meditation on the paradox of life-circles among beings of different species. A fi…