- 自从皮特罗吉尼的团伙在Sopox生产实验室被抓之后,他们被关到了不同的监狱。在天堂皇后监狱,皮特罗一直提醒当局一个疯子合成了神经毒气而且准备进行一场屠杀,但没有人相信他。因此他想办法转到莱比比亚监狱只为见到掌握重要线索的穆莱那。之后皮特罗想把所有由大学研究员组成的团伙重 新召集在一起……
- Maurizio is a stubborn boy who grows up near the fiumara, where people throw away whatever they no longer need. This open-air dump becomes his playground, where among wrecked cars and other treasures large and small, he begins to dream of playing in the town band. Mamma Rosa looks on his musical aspirations as a childi…
- 影片是亚西西的嘉勒的传记片,亚西西的嘉勒是意大利圣徒,亚西西的方济各最早的追随者之一。她担任亚西西的方济各所创立的,属于方济各会传统的女性修会贫穷修女会的第一任院长。在她去世后,该修会命名为嘉勒隐修修女会。