搜索 苏忠兴

  • 《海墘新路》是2017年马来西亚电影,由苏忠兴自编自导,是一部关于其家庭的半传记电影。电影以1970年代的槟城(马来西亚北部华裔人口为多的繁华岛屿)为背景,是马来西亚首部电影全片只使用槟城福建话。片名《海墘新路》是槟城当地人對乔治市(槟城市中心)Victoria Street的称呼,福建话为Hai Kin Xin Lor。  经年未有回到家乡槟城的Sun…
  • The movie is comprised of six inter-related stories that tell of the frantic days leading up to the most important election ever in Malaysia. It follows the lives of everyday people, who come together for their common love their country. Each of the stories told shows the meaning of being a true Malaysian.