- 一个道貌岸然、威风凛凛的警官因为嫉妒和侮辱而杀死了情妇,并若无其事地调查此案,后来因心虚毁灭证据。由于他人性尚未彻底泯灭,在强有力的证人面前承认了罪行。但所有同事和长官为了自身的利益而阻止他认罪,并“循循善诱”。在众人的启发和教育下,他终于承认了自己的“清白无辜”,证明了自己是“不受怀疑的公民”。 这是意大利70年代著…
- The famous writer Bernard travels to a small town nearby a lake to spend vacation out of season in the winter. He check in an old hotel owned by Enrico and his daughter Irma expecting to meet the maid Tilde, from whom he had a crush last time he visited the town. However, he discovers that Tilde has committed suicide a…