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  • <p>  2025年,战争结束的一年后,乌克兰军人塞吉回到现实生活。创伤后的日子并不容易,工厂主管嫌弃、同袍轻生、关厂失业,连家裡的熨斗都不管用,只能在野外猛射人形靶发洩。失业的他因缘际会加入挖寻军人遗体的「黑色鬱金香」计画,认识了志工卡蒂亚,在荒芜废地挖掘的同时,也像掏挖著满是创伤的自己,打开被战争所侵蚀的腐肉,希冀…
  •   Ukrainian surgeon Serhiy is captured by the Russian military forces in the conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine and while in captivity, he is exposed to horrifying scenes of humiliation, violence and indifference towards human life. After hi…
  • 2025年,战争结束的一年后,乌克兰军人塞吉回到现实生活。创伤后的日子并不容易,工厂主管嫌弃、同袍轻生、关厂失业,连家裡的熨斗都不管用,只能在野外猛射人形靶发洩。失业的他因缘际会加入挖寻军人遗体的「黑色鬱金香」计画,认识了志工卡蒂亚,在荒芜废地挖掘的同时,也像掏挖著满是创伤的自己,打开被战争所侵蚀的腐肉,希冀能长出生存的勇…
  • Ukrainian surgeon Serhiy is captured by the Russian military forces in the conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine and while in captivity, he is exposed to horrifying scenes of humiliation, violence and indifference towards human life. After his release, he returns to his comfortable middle-class apartment and tries to find a…