- Jefty, owner of a roadhouse in a backwoods town, hires sultry, tough-talking torch singer Lily Stevens against the advice of his manager Pete Morgan. Jefty is smitten with Lily, who in turn exerts her charms on the more resistant Pete. When Pete finally falls for her and she turns down Jefty's marriage proposal, they m…
- 1930年,纽约发生了一起骇人听闻的绑票撕票案,主谋卡塞蒂携赎金逍遥法外。 5年后,侦探赫丘里·波罗(艾伯特·芬尼 饰)乘船渡过博斯普鲁斯海峡,并在朋友比安奇(马丁·鲍尔萨姆 饰)的安排下登上东方快车,去往伦敦。一日凌晨,波罗被隔壁10号包间的叫声惊醒。随后,因雪堆掩埋铁轨,列车被迫停于南斯拉夫境内。波罗再次睡下不久,又被吵…