- The exact details of what took place while Talib Ben Hassi, 19, was in police custody remain unclear. Police officers Jens and Mike are on routine patrol in Svalegården’s ghetto when news of Talib’s death comes in over the radio, igniting uncontrollable pent-up rage in the ghetto’s youth who lust for revenge. Suddenly,…
- yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 路纳因暴力伤害入监服刑,当身后的铁门关上,他要如何在铁门重新开启时全身而退,找出免于惹祸上身的生存法则?然而在这弱肉强食的监狱世界,现实却似乎没有他算计得那样容易……毫不掩饰的暴力相向,写实呈现幽微阴暗的监狱风景,悖离道德的心机算计,都一再挑战观众的忍耐极限,宛如《预言者》另一篇章。