搜索 李东恩

  • One day, three siblings receive a postcard from their mother who left them a long time ago. But all it says is I miss you. Three siblings are disconcerted by the sudden contact, but eventually, they go on a trip to meet their mother.  Credit  Director
  • 韩国演员裴宗玉、李源根及池允浩出演的影片,影片《换季》主要讲述一位母亲得知儿子与朋友之间的秘密后,三人之间的故事。演员裴宗玉将在影片中饰演母亲美婧,池允浩将饰演儿子秀贤,李源根则饰演秀贤的朋友勇俊
  • 两年前的一场意外,让孝真失去她挚爱的丈夫。32岁的她还没走出丧偶之痛,老天又交给她一项难题,她必须照顾老公与前妻生下的儿子钟旭——正值叛逆期的16岁青少年。孝真尝试打开心房与钟旭相处,但钟旭不领情,他跟著好友四处游荡,直到发现好友怀有身孕......