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  •   《晚秋》根据李满熙导演1966年的同名电影改编而成,影片以美国西雅图为背景,讲述两名男女在异国他乡的爱情故事。本在监狱服刑的安娜(汤唯 Wei Tang 饰)因母亲过世获得三天假期,七年来首次踏上归家之路,并于长途汽车上邂逅了勋(玄彬 Bin Hyeon 饰)。不够车钱的勋用手表做抵押借了安娜的钱,约定到西雅图再见。一个是弑夫假释的女犯,…
  •   该剧讲述刑警和刑警的恋人,以及杀人魔,这三个人32年前因为恶缘结束了生命,但死并不是终点,而是打开了新的大门。32年后他们分别转世成检察官、考古学讲师、医学院学生,因为强烈的缘分和恶缘再次纠葛在一起。
  • <p>  The most important thing for Na-young, who has lived her entire life in a small seaside village, is taking care of her family and friends. However, her mother tries to sell their precious house full of memories, and her younger …
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>《晚秋》根据李满熙导演1966年的同名电影改编而成,影片以美国西雅图为背景,讲述两名男女在异国他乡的爱情故事。本在监狱服刑的安娜(汤唯 Wei Tang 饰)因母亲过世获得三天假期,七年来首次踏上归家之路,并于长途汽车上邂逅了勋(玄彬 Bin Hyeon 饰)。不够车钱的勋用手表做抵押借了安娜的钱,约定到西雅图再…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>韩版将由制作了《光海,成为王的男人》《与神一起》的制作公司制作,目前处于剧本工作阶段,预计明年上半年开拍。
  • The most important thing for Na-young, who has lived her entire life in a small seaside village, is taking care of her family and friends. However, her mother tries to sell their precious house full of memories, and her younger brother insists on moving to Seoul. While Na-young struggles to accept the changes, she come…