- Set in 1900s Vienna, the city is a hot bed of philosophy, science and art that are keenly debated in its coffee houses. Psychoanalysis, pioneered by Sigmund Freud, is capturing the city’s imagination, but is still in its infancy, and is viewed with a mixture of excitement and suspicion. Max Liebermann (Matthew Beard) i…
- <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 雅荣(郑恩彩 饰)和俊浩(李东辉 饰)是一对从大学时代就在一起的恋人。对画画极具热情和天赋的雅荣,为了支持俊浩考公,而选择进入一家房地产中介公司工作,每日里强颜欢笑,身心俱疲。与之相对,俊浩虽然年年备考,却每次都名落孙山。如是荒度七年,他不仅被同学们所轻视,连雅荣也渐渐丧失了信…
- <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 美丽的人气DJ高善英(秀爱 饰)是一位自强干练的单身母亲,为了治疗女儿恩秀日益严重的病情,她决定中止业已5年的DJ生涯,带着女儿远赴美国求医。然而就在最后一晚的直播中,恐怖的阴影袭向善英的家人,阴冷的男人韩东秀(刘智泰 饰)闯入她的家中,劫持了她的妹妹雅英和孩子们。韩东秀是善英的超级粉…