- CJ·马丁是一个性格开朗的七年级女生,她与芬威克·弗雷泽和克里斯蒂·鲍尔斯从幼儿园起就是形影不离的好友。她原以为高中和电影里拍的一样美好,但哥哥朗比的一句话却将她打回了现实:你会失去现在所有的朋友。正能量爆棚的CJ可不会善罢甘休,她做出了一个大胆的决定:列一张清单,写下在高中前要完成的100件事。在辅导员杰克·罗伯茨的帮…
- Leslie is a West Texas single mother struggling to provide for her son when she wins the lottery and a chance at a good life. But a few short years later the money is gone and Leslie is on her own, living hard and fast at the bottom of a bottle as she runs from the world of heartbreak she left behind. With her charm r…