- 帕丁顿(本·卫肖 Ben Whishaw 配音)回到家乡秘鲁看望他心爱的露西婶婶(艾美达·斯丹顿 Imelda Staunton 配音)。露西婶婶现住在退休熊之家。然而一个谜团将帕丁顿和布朗一家带入意想不到的惊险旅程。从亚马逊雨林到秘鲁山巅,一场激动人心的冒险随之而来。
- In the futuristic city of Vanille, with properly tuned ImmerSyst Eyes Ears the world can look and sound like a paradise. But the life of a father and his young son threatens to disintegrate when the father's device begins to fail. Desperate to avoid facing his own traumatic reality, the man must venture outside to find…