Young Felix grows up as an inside spectator at cycling races, a bizarre environment where violence and drugs seem to reign. Following his father's footsteps, Felix discovers that his body is not made for the game
<p> 安吉拉(Miranda Stuart Rhyne 饰)和艾利(Charlotte Eve Blythe 饰)是情同手足的姐妹,两个姑娘之间的感情非常的要好。她们的妈妈(安娜·莱文 Anna Levine 饰)因为患有抑郁症,导致两人成长在十分压抑的家庭氛围之下。<br/> 父亲安德鲁(约翰·文堤米利亚 John Ventimiglia 饰)对妻子的病症感到…
The plot introduces us to compulsive gambler Sergio, who, despite having promised his partner that he has overcome his accursed addiction, receives a tip-off about a rigged football match. Fully intending to get back all of the money he …
<p> 约翰(丹尼尔·齐尔森 Daniel Chilson 饰)和皮特(唐·汉德菲尔德 Don Handfield 饰)相识于大学校园之中,虽然身为同性,但两人之间还是产生了致命的吸引力,很快就走到了一起,成为了如胶似漆的爱侣。然而,当时的社会舆论对于同性恋情依旧十分严苛,这段感情带给了不愿受人非议的约翰十分巨大的压力。<br/> …
The son of an African-American Judge is killed by police officers on the day he was set to begin law enforcement academy. When the courts clear the officers of wrongdoing, the Judge must decide whether the courts are the only arbitrators…