
  • 这部电影的故事发生在 20 世纪 80 年代,围绕一对名叫苏珊娜(卢娜·玛雅饰)和苏里亚(艾哈迈德·梅甘塔拉饰)的夫妇展开。他们一直保持着长期的关系,并且彼此深爱着对方。当他们计划结婚时,他们的关系出现了新的转变。然而,他们的计划受到一个重大问题的阻碍:苏珊娜的父母背负着巨额债务。这笔债务是欠村里最富有的地主Raden Aryo(…
  • 温蒂为了救回被掳走的弟弟麦可,不惜踏入「邪恶彼得潘」的血腥炼狱。她在那里还遇见了被毒品腐蚀、形容枯槁的小叮当。温蒂将要面对的不仅仅是扭曲的童话,还有那令人窒息的恐怖真相。
  • Mariana is a systematic girl. She studies English and German at a language school. She works in a call center as many hours as possible and saves everything she earns. To entertain herself a little, she looks for men in bars with whom she only plans to spend one night. Why compromise if she just wants to travel? That i…
  • December 1924, Karl Denke fails to smite Vincenz Olivier with a pickaxe. He would have been his 31st victim. The film thus reconstructs the mind, motivation, and psyche of its main character in intense dialog between him and the inspector.
  • 这个间谍有着神秘的过去,他执行了一项任务,来掩盖一个危险恐怖组织的真相。
  • “This is Home Invasion,” Korine says, pointing at a computer monitor inside the house. On the screen plays security--camera and GoPro footage of masked men and women, wearing horns, rampaging through various Miami McMansions, tying up vari…
  • 密歇根州荷兰镇教师南希·范德格鲁特(妮可·基德曼 饰),她与担任社区领袖的丈夫弗雷德(马修·麦克费登 饰)、儿子哈里过着典型的美国田园生活。当南希与同事戴夫·德尔加多(盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔 饰)偶然发现丈夫隐藏的秘密后,平静生活迅速崩解。
  •   第⼆次世界⼤战爆发,日军侵占东北时曾多次派遣神秘部队进入滴嗒咀子周围的巨大山洞。传说中,日本人在此发现了巨额财富。65年后,日本富豪前往二⻰湖投资建厂,竟意外引出⽔怪,二龙湖瞬间引来全国各地的目光,一场⼀场围绕水怪展开的爆笑故事就此展开。
  • For Gaby, not much has changed since last summer. For everybody else, apparently everything is different. The 13-year-old is back on the island where her dad lives, and everyone keeps giving her the strangest looks. Even Fourmi, her best friend, keeps brushing her off. When one of the boys starts singing an ode to Gaby…
  • 所有人都只关心闹鬼吓不吓人,却没人关心鬼闹得累不累。在著名闹鬼圣地“旺来温泉大饭店”414号房里,过气女鬼天后「凯萨琳」(张榕容 饰)和三流阴间经纪人「Makoto」(陈柏霖 饰)正在为培养菜鸟新鬼「同学」(王净 饰)发愁。做人难,做鬼也不易,要脱「鬼」而出、吓出「冥」堂、「鬼」尽皆知,人模「鬼」样的三位必须携手合作,吓出风格、吓…